Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

ceracau mahasiswi cari kp

apply porto ke banyak tempat dari 2 bulan yang lalu..
dapet 1 interview di jakarta..
kemudian dibatalkan..
ke jakarta lagi buat apply langsung ke tempat impian..
ke jakarta lagi interview disana..
interview juga di satu tempat lain..
menunggu kabar..
dan menunggu..
dan galau..
tiba-tiba dapat kabar diterima tanpa interview di bali..
masih galau..
kembali ke jakarta untuk melacur dan interview ke tempat lain..
sampai disana, ditelpon dan diterima di tempat impian..
dan di hari yang sama, gw kembali ke bandung..
lalu ke jakarta lagi..
namun bersyukur..

God will leads the way, if you try enough :)

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

semua jadi alien(!)

Oh Tuhan,
Oh Arumi Bachsin,
berikan kekuatan bulan
untuk kami-kami ini agar
bisa melalui ini semua..
ya halalan ya toyyiba..
oooo ina ni keke..

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

from batik to character

starts from this colonial batik..

modified, then made into two characters plus adjust it with my own style. Both of it also visually inspired from Hop-Frog, an Edgar Allan Poe's short story..

A dark wizard with ability to control other's mind

A nature-born soldier, twin of Kharma

hurray for me! \m/

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

google: me

my recent random activity: google my name.
well, a friend said "one way to measures your success is to google yourself"
haha.. and yeah, after few links of my social network and portfolio account, I found these sites that submitted my personal or commission work on the net.

1) remember my old post about 'pimp my drawing book'? my submission has been featured with other creative people who also join to make this communal work at an exhibition, called Fixer Exhibition, June 2010.

2) my commission work with SARBI, a literature journal, has been featured on this site. you could download the journal from there if you like.

3) my last typo project has been featured on this simple web by Luc Devroye, on a page which discuss "Type design in Indonesia". I found some other great people who made Indonesian custom type.

4) last but not least, my recent interview with an art blog named Something We Like. check it out! B-)


I may not have a lot of achievement yet, but I hope there would be more 'me' in other prestigious site to google.

try to google yours ;)