Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

superwoman's day

cinta ibu itu bukan main-main.

"Subhanallah". that's what all I can say.

everybody may have a great childhood, and so do I.

I do have a trauma.

I do witnessed some terrible things.

namun dibalik semua masalah yang menghadang, sesulit apapun, orang tua akan berusaha terus membuat kita nyaman instead of knowing everything.

keeping our childhood time as the time that you can cherish as you keep on living.

Ibu. puisi terindah pun gak akan sanggup melukiskan besarnya cinta ibu.

you are the reason I became strong to face the world.

you are the one and only my energy to live.

may God's love always be with you.

happy superwoman's day :">

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